Snowbird pit stop

by on Feb.17, 2009, under family

Ever year we have the distinct pleasure of hosting my parents for an evening or two as they pass through Oakville on the way to the sunshine state.

The following pictures chronicles their passage and the debauchery that ensued during their visit.

They are always quite helpful:

Helping Ella with homework


Doing the Sunday crossword


tickle fight!

As always, they come loaded with gifts and good snacks for the kids:



kinder eggs


nutritious cereal


Hey Eric, you missing some flips?!

On Sunday morning, it was time for a quick jaunt through the provincial park.

pousse Grandpapa, pousse!


Hey goat! You live in a barn? I directed Entourage! Say hi to your mother for me.




silly photo time


ah... a good ol tire swing

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