
Basement project

by on Nov.26, 2010, under family

Before the project:








Here’s the trouble wall, this corner was imploding and needed to be addressed:



Almost done! First, the collapsing wall:



And the rest:





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Hallowe’en, Halloween, Hallows Eve, Hallo Yves!

by on Nov.01, 2010, under family

Pumpkin head:


The costumes (Reese is Ben 10) :


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Dancing like a swan

by on Oct.20, 2010, under family

Can’t say I’ve ever seen a swan dance but I’m pretty sure it would look exactly like this:


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Making Burgers

by on Oct.16, 2010, under family

Here’s a quick video post of the kids and I (well, mostly just Ella) making some homemade burgers last night. Yes, that’s a swimsuit she is wearing… she decided that a swimsuit would be better just in case she got wet.


And here she is making the patties:


The patties that Ella made:


The patties that Daddy charred:


Bon Appetit!

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Skating circles around big brother

by on Mar.03, 2010, under family

Yes, yes, it’s been too long. I do apologies for the grand delay in posting again but I’ve been stuck with an accute bout of laziness…. hmmm, nap sounds nice right about now… 🙂

Ella loves to be on skates. I even caught her wearing them indoors and trouncing around the house… leaving lovely little dent marks in the wood flood… >:( So without further adieu, here are some of our recent skating pics.

Here we are at Reese’s friend’s house, 2 doors down. <--- darn apostrophes

Here she is all geared up and ready to giver’

Always smiling that one…

This is our kitty Snoopy. He followed us over to the rink to play hockey with us!

Snack time!

Here are the kids at our weekly skating lessons… notice the kid on the ground behind Ella…

Yeah, this kid… this is his preferred ice dancing move, it’s called the Stojko.

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A turkey for you anda turkey for me!

by on Jun.17, 2009, under family

I’m officially a princess. An old one.


While I have always enjoyed camping, I was finding myself too old and too wussy to sleep on the ground in a tent. So I talked D into letting me buy a tent trailer. 🙂

So we did.

..and now I LOVVVVVVE camping! <3 <3

Our first stop? Turkey Point Provincial Park… you are probably asking “where is Turkey Point”? It’s here:


The camp site… and of course, the CAMPER!


Uncle Bobo came to visit on Saturday and setup his own little pad.


Most beautiful daughter ever.


Good morning!


Ah, it’s great to be a boy. 🙂


Water balloon fight! The battle begins!


Bobo jukes and head-fakes


Bobo wins.


The aftermath… RP has a little dirt on his cheek.


Dinner break. We had pork tenderloin and baked potatoes on the open fire. Marvelous.


The after dinner hike. Notice my attire… I was voted best dressed camper of the day.


I’ll guide you Uncle Bobo. Just trust me…


Ghost stories!

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by on Apr.05, 2009, under family

First, we had to plan the trip… Ah, let’s all sit down with our trusty 2600 and have a peek at the map shall we?


HEY! Cut that out, Reese! Keep your Pac-Man monster away from my triptik.


Thank you for choosing Continental.


Iccceeeee creeeaaaam!


Silly Time!


ANOTHER bday cake!?


I don't mind all this cake... truly, I don't.


First day in Bradenton... it's a mite chilly as you can tell by Reese's RUN DMC tracksuit


Coo-coo Kachoo?


Dahling it's bettah, down where it's wettah...


Ah... that's more like it! Last 1/2 of the week was perfect weather.


Um... you have a little sand on your face.




Our personal postcard

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Snowbird pit stop

by on Feb.17, 2009, under family

Ever year we have the distinct pleasure of hosting my parents for an evening or two as they pass through Oakville on the way to the sunshine state.

The following pictures chronicles their passage and the debauchery that ensued during their visit.

They are always quite helpful:

Helping Ella with homework


Doing the Sunday crossword


tickle fight!

As always, they come loaded with gifts and good snacks for the kids:



kinder eggs


nutritious cereal


Hey Eric, you missing some flips?!

On Sunday morning, it was time for a quick jaunt through the provincial park.

pousse Grandpapa, pousse!


Hey goat! You live in a barn? I directed Entourage! Say hi to your mother for me.




silly photo time


ah... a good ol tire swing

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The Big League

by on Feb.05, 2009, under family

When he was a kid, he’d be up at five
Take shots till eight, make the thing drive
Out after school, back on ice
That was his life, he was gonna play in the Big League


Enough with the photos.. can we go yet?


"Let's welcome the incredible iceman, who slices his enemies limb from limb into quivering bloody sushi - Professor Sub Zero!"


who put this chair right in the middle of the rink!?


Tron Hockey!


Et le but!


Sometimes at night I can hear the ice crack
It sounds like thunder and it rips through my back
Sometimes in the morning I still hear the sound
Ice meets metal…
“Can’t you drive me down to the Big League?”

My boy’s gonna play in the Big League
My boy’s gonna turn some heads
My boy’s gonna play in the Big League
My boy’s gonna knock ’em dead

Tom Cochrane


Special thanks to Chris and Ethan for having us over… and to Mr. Dave for being so entertaining.

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Surprise lunch visit.

by on Jan.30, 2009, under family

One of my fondest memories as a child is my Papa picking me up from school for an appointment (which was usually the dentist) and then having a delicious and nutritious McD or BK lunch… YUM!

Choo choo!

Choo choo!


Well, with all the bosses away in London this week, I decided to take a little bit of extra time for lunch and take my little dude out for lunch. Wait… bosses don’t have time to read blogs, right?!

No peeking!


SuperSize Reese!


ah, the toys... that's the best part!


nom nom nom


Group shot


Yes, some of the McD’s still have play areas…

wait... where are the video games?!

lemme out.. daddy? daaaaadddddddddy!

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