Archive for February, 2009

Let the terrible twos begin (Ella’s 2nd birthday)

by on Feb.25, 2009, under Uncategorized

So two years ago, Dani and I were doing some shoppin’ at the local grocery store when she decided that the Dominion would be a good place to start the whole baby-delivering-process… Look, I understand that a grocery store could be a pretty convenient place for having a baby… everything you need for the birth is in one place: paper napkins, hot water bottles, fresh fish, produce, chips and ring-o-los, broom handles to bite down on, the list is endless… but I’d much prefer the bigger grocery store that has tvs and movies and viddy games than our little local one which only has old copies of Cosmo and Canadian Living. Side-note to self : a grocery store might also be a good place to hide in case of a zombie attack. I digress…


So there we were, pushing around our cart full of food and I hear… “oh oh…”… splooosh! “Clean up on aisle 4”!


“You aren’t going to get into the van all wet like that are you?!” says the winner of the “sensitive-hubby-of-the-year-award” (don’t forget I’m also recipient of the “Do-you-know-where-your-toddler-is-award”)…


Well, she DID get into the van all wet like that *GASP* but that turned out to be a good thing as we were soon holding our brand new baby girl (and besides, there really are 101 uses for baby wipes).


Ahhhh good times… well, that was the tale of her first day of life. And this is the tale of her 730th.



Ella got to pick her favorite meal for dinner... keh-pup (ketchup)


They say it's your birthday... happy birthday to you




Ok there pal, you just stand there with your camera... don't you worry about this fire over here, I'll put it out...




Reese has been eating birthday cake since January. It's his new fad-diet




More! Mooooore! MOOOOOOORE!


Time for prezzies!

Miss Dress-up


My Little Pony! This one is named: 'Gina Stardancer Firelight Autumntweezer...


Cutest flower ever.

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Snowbird pit stop

by on Feb.17, 2009, under family

Ever year we have the distinct pleasure of hosting my parents for an evening or two as they pass through Oakville on the way to the sunshine state.

The following pictures chronicles their passage and the debauchery that ensued during their visit.

They are always quite helpful:

Helping Ella with homework


Doing the Sunday crossword


tickle fight!

As always, they come loaded with gifts and good snacks for the kids:



kinder eggs


nutritious cereal


Hey Eric, you missing some flips?!

On Sunday morning, it was time for a quick jaunt through the provincial park.

pousse Grandpapa, pousse!


Hey goat! You live in a barn? I directed Entourage! Say hi to your mother for me.




silly photo time


ah... a good ol tire swing

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The Big League

by on Feb.05, 2009, under family

When he was a kid, he’d be up at five
Take shots till eight, make the thing drive
Out after school, back on ice
That was his life, he was gonna play in the Big League


Enough with the photos.. can we go yet?


"Let's welcome the incredible iceman, who slices his enemies limb from limb into quivering bloody sushi - Professor Sub Zero!"


who put this chair right in the middle of the rink!?


Tron Hockey!


Et le but!


Sometimes at night I can hear the ice crack
It sounds like thunder and it rips through my back
Sometimes in the morning I still hear the sound
Ice meets metal…
“Can’t you drive me down to the Big League?”

My boy’s gonna play in the Big League
My boy’s gonna turn some heads
My boy’s gonna play in the Big League
My boy’s gonna knock ’em dead

Tom Cochrane


Special thanks to Chris and Ethan for having us over… and to Mr. Dave for being so entertaining.

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