Archive for April, 2009

The boy of summer

by on Apr.27, 2009, under Uncategorized

We’ve spent a good amount of time in the backyard lately getting it ready for the summer season.

After a long day of raking, sweeping, organizing, it was time for a break. Got a ball? Got a bat? Baseball’s good, it’s where it’s at! – The Smurfs


And now, up to bat: Reeesee!!!! *applause*


Virtual Pitching!?


Swing batter, batter!




He really smacked this one… the look on his face is priceless!

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by on Apr.20, 2009, under Uncategorized

Life is good.

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oh, those hippie kids…

by on Apr.08, 2009, under Uncategorized

We’ve been toying with this idea for a while now… buying a church and converting it to a photography studio. And maybe living in it.

So now we’re considering doing both. eek!

Dani’s grandmothers cousins friend sits on the board of this church out in Horning’s Mills and has let it leak that they were considering selling it. So… we visited it.


First things first… you are probably asking “where is Horning’s Mills”? It’s here:


And here is the church:


The cathedral part is acutally upstairs while the “basement” is only 3 steps down from the ground. There are 3 stairwells heading up into the cathedral, 1 in the back that the priests would use and 2 in the foyer like this one:


And here it is… this is the view as you enter from the main doors.


Here’s the view from the front – I’m standing on the altar.


Here is the altar, the choir “loft”, Ella and Gary – the inspector.


View from the choir loft


Mini-pipe organ (with leslie)… hoping to get that in the deal too 😉


And here is the living space. It’s a big empty room at the moment so we have a clean slate to do whatever we please. We’re thinking 2 rooms and a big open concept living area and dining area.

The kitchen is back there as are the 2 bathrooms.


Let the madness begin… wish us luck!

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by on Apr.05, 2009, under family

First, we had to plan the trip… Ah, let’s all sit down with our trusty 2600 and have a peek at the map shall we?


HEY! Cut that out, Reese! Keep your Pac-Man monster away from my triptik.


Thank you for choosing Continental.


Iccceeeee creeeaaaam!


Silly Time!


ANOTHER bday cake!?


I don't mind all this cake... truly, I don't.


First day in Bradenton... it's a mite chilly as you can tell by Reese's RUN DMC tracksuit


Coo-coo Kachoo?


Dahling it's bettah, down where it's wettah...


Ah... that's more like it! Last 1/2 of the week was perfect weather.


Um... you have a little sand on your face.




Our personal postcard

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