
Bambi gets even

by on Nov.08, 2010, under Uncategorized






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The boy of summer

by on Apr.27, 2009, under Uncategorized

We’ve spent a good amount of time in the backyard lately getting it ready for the summer season.

After a long day of raking, sweeping, organizing, it was time for a break. Got a ball? Got a bat? Baseball’s good, it’s where it’s at! – The Smurfs


And now, up to bat: Reeesee!!!! *applause*


Virtual Pitching!?


Swing batter, batter!




He really smacked this one… the look on his face is priceless!

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by on Apr.20, 2009, under Uncategorized

Life is good.

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oh, those hippie kids…

by on Apr.08, 2009, under Uncategorized

We’ve been toying with this idea for a while now… buying a church and converting it to a photography studio. And maybe living in it.

So now we’re considering doing both. eek!

Dani’s grandmothers cousins friend sits on the board of this church out in Horning’s Mills and has let it leak that they were considering selling it. So… we visited it.


First things first… you are probably asking “where is Horning’s Mills”? It’s here:


And here is the church:


The cathedral part is acutally upstairs while the “basement” is only 3 steps down from the ground. There are 3 stairwells heading up into the cathedral, 1 in the back that the priests would use and 2 in the foyer like this one:


And here it is… this is the view as you enter from the main doors.


Here’s the view from the front – I’m standing on the altar.


Here is the altar, the choir “loft”, Ella and Gary – the inspector.


View from the choir loft


Mini-pipe organ (with leslie)… hoping to get that in the deal too 😉


And here is the living space. It’s a big empty room at the moment so we have a clean slate to do whatever we please. We’re thinking 2 rooms and a big open concept living area and dining area.

The kitchen is back there as are the 2 bathrooms.


Let the madness begin… wish us luck!

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Let the terrible twos begin (Ella’s 2nd birthday)

by on Feb.25, 2009, under Uncategorized

So two years ago, Dani and I were doing some shoppin’ at the local grocery store when she decided that the Dominion would be a good place to start the whole baby-delivering-process… Look, I understand that a grocery store could be a pretty convenient place for having a baby… everything you need for the birth is in one place: paper napkins, hot water bottles, fresh fish, produce, chips and ring-o-los, broom handles to bite down on, the list is endless… but I’d much prefer the bigger grocery store that has tvs and movies and viddy games than our little local one which only has old copies of Cosmo and Canadian Living. Side-note to self : a grocery store might also be a good place to hide in case of a zombie attack. I digress…


So there we were, pushing around our cart full of food and I hear… “oh oh…”… splooosh! “Clean up on aisle 4”!


“You aren’t going to get into the van all wet like that are you?!” says the winner of the “sensitive-hubby-of-the-year-award” (don’t forget I’m also recipient of the “Do-you-know-where-your-toddler-is-award”)…


Well, she DID get into the van all wet like that *GASP* but that turned out to be a good thing as we were soon holding our brand new baby girl (and besides, there really are 101 uses for baby wipes).


Ahhhh good times… well, that was the tale of her first day of life. And this is the tale of her 730th.



Ella got to pick her favorite meal for dinner... keh-pup (ketchup)


They say it's your birthday... happy birthday to you




Ok there pal, you just stand there with your camera... don't you worry about this fire over here, I'll put it out...




Reese has been eating birthday cake since January. It's his new fad-diet




More! Mooooore! MOOOOOOORE!


Time for prezzies!

Miss Dress-up


My Little Pony! This one is named: 'Gina Stardancer Firelight Autumntweezer...


Cutest flower ever.

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